Saturday, May 31, 2008

From A Man’s Chin To A Woman’s Chin

Probably one of the least bothered areas of plastic surgery research and procedures is gender reversal surgery and the various cosmetic surgery procedures that go into it.

During a cosmetic alteration of the face, the chin of the patient needs to be paid a lot of attention especially when transforming it from a masculine one to one with a feminine point. At times, due to congenital deformities some women feature heavy chins that are completely out of proportion with the rest of their face.

A cosmetic chin enhancement surgery can dispel these problems and rework the chin to give it a more appealing contour though. As women have a prominent but finer chin than men, doctors usually shave the bone and contour it to give it a more delicate appearance.

Male chins are known to be vertically higher and wider compared to female chins as well and doctors at times need to reposition the chin considerably.

Modifying the chin automatically affects the lips of the patient and can yield a mouth that’s far different from the original one. If you have an experienced chin surgeon you can depend on him to understand this and model your chin enhancement accordingly.

Get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to see what your chin surgery options are.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Pete Wentz – Does He Need A Cosmetic Reduction Genioplasty?

Oh yippee yay, he’s a confirmed daddy now.

Seriously, whenever will they stop hiding pregnancies! Pete Wentz and Ashley Simpson have done practically everything in the book to monetize their romance. The only thing missing is a sex tape, and I really wouldn’t put it past them to remove one to fund the baby’s schooling.

Every time I see Wentz (help!) his chin attracts my eyes like a magnet. It really is one of the most prominent under-bites I’ve seen on anyone, except for his wife Ashley maybe.

Usually a chin like that would have someone thinking about a cosmetic chin reduction.

This chin enhancement surgery chips away the chin bone and removes the protruding edge, subsequently repositioning it. Another technique cosmetic surgeons apply involves reshaping the bone using a burr. This lends a nice contour to the chin area and is a great way to polish off the chin enhancement procedure.

The incisions are made on the inside of the mouth and if repositioning is involved in the chin surgery procedure, then metal wires and plates are used to hold the bone together.

The result of a reduction genioplasty almost always yields a very satisfactory result and is scarless. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California the chin reduction surgery is performed in a controlled environment acclaimed as adhering to AAAHC requirements.

Put Your Fat Where Your Mouth Is With Microlipoinjections

Microlipoinjection is probably one of the best procedures till date for the delicate-faced, petite-framed and men and women with a receding chin deformity. Its an excellent chin surgery technique that gets results.

What cosmetic surgeons work upon are fat deposits from your own body which are extracted with a syringe, purified and then re-injected into the chin. Since this area does not require too much fat, the deposits can be extracted with minimum loss of volume to any specific body part.

Plastic surgeons generally use the buttocks, tummy or thigh areas for harvesting fat. Since inherent fat is easily absorbable there are repeat procedures that may be required. But this can be a good thing because fat deposits accumulate and increase with each chin surgery procedure and after a while you can let nature take over.

Also, the effects of this chin enhancement surgery technique are known to last for a maximum of three years. Three years is plenty of time to test your first chin implant surgery and see how it fits into your facial expressions.

Fat is very easily malleable and softer compared to silicone and other chin implant materials making it easier to establish the desired contours.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we are well-versed in various complex chin enhancement surgery techniques. Get an appointment with our advanced surgical institute to know more.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Do You Know - What Goes Into Your Chin Implants?

Read on to know more about what goes into the chin implant size and shape selected by your plastic surgeon for a chin enhancement surgery.

Patient’s who want to insert implants into their chin to define their jawline and add volume to their faces have a range of chin implants they can chose from. Cosmetic surgeons can make use of metals like titanium but they often corrode and erode the bone.

On the other hand, polymers like polyethylene (Dacron, Medpor) and even PTFE’s like Teflon have been found to be very versatile and common.

Silicone however, remains the chin implant material of choice for many doctors due to its adaptive nature and quality. When chin or malar augmentation was first developed (1970’s), split calvarial bone, rib and iliac crest grafts were used. Later alloplastic chin implants were utilized.

The best route plastic surgeons take to predetermine the suitability of a chin implant for a particular candidate is by checking up on the medical history. Thus they can know if the specific implant will cause an allergy or if it will react adversely to the host body.

At times patients request a less invasive material like collagen, Restylane or even Botox (injectables) to be implanted into the chin. These fillers gradually get modified or get absorbed into the patient’s body calling for repeat treatments.

Get the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to help you decide which chin implant material is best suited for your chin enhancement surgery.

A Chin With Lips To Match

In a previous post I had mentioned the three different portions or ‘thirds’ of the face that plastic surgeons make use of to get a better understanding of a patient’s facial anatomy.

The features that make up the third part of the face are the mouth and the chin which are very closely related. Even more closely aligned with each other are the lips and the chin which are interconnected by muscles like the depressor muscles and the orbicularis oris muscle (the kissing muscle- it helps you pucker).

A look at the anatomy of the human mouth will give you a better idea about the physiognomy and will help you get an intimate understanding of the chin enhancement job you want.

It goes without saying that the lips are going to be affected as much by a chin enhancement surgery due to the connection between these two features. Your chin enhancement doctor will explain the manipulation required for the surgery, enough so that you get an idea.

In a chin enhancement procedure proper lip (upper and lower) competence needs to be established. Cosmetic surgeons generally attempt to maintain the lower lip as posterior to the upper lip. They also try to establish a satisfactory configuration with the soft tissue in the chin.

You don’t need to break your head too much over such details though as at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California professional cosmetic surgeons are skilled at maintaining the lip-chin harmony.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Uncover A Slender Neck With A Chin Liposuction Surgery

Read on if you are a victim of the much-dreaded double chin.

For excessive fat in the lower facial region cosmetic surgeons normally propose a sub mentum liposuction or chin liposuction procedure. One of the many contouring options available for rearranging fat in the facial area, this cosmetic surgery is a veritable blessing for those who are cursed with turkey wattles.

Have it with a chin surgery or have it as part of a face lift surgery- a submentum liposuction yields remarkable results for an outpatient cosmetic procedure. On the other hand, if you have this chin enhancement surgery independently you will be out and about in less than an hour.

The great thing about a submentum liposuction is the minimum fuss and post-surgery recovery involved.

What your cosmetic surgeon will do is use a suction device called a canula to methodically attack small areas of fat in the chin area. But rather than getting rid of all the fat he will sculpt what’s already present into the desired contour and simply suction off the rest of it.

Based on the extent of the chin enhancement work required to be executed in the area, the chin surgeon will implement the intraoral technique or a transdermal incision. In both cases the wounds are hidden well out of sight removing any concerns about visible scars.

Get in touch with the first-rate chin surgery consultants at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California today for a complete facial diagnosis.


The Wildenstein Chin Implant – Where It Goes Wrong

If you have kept track of the plastic surgery disasters some notorious celebrities and socialites have had, you must have noticed New York socialite Jocelyn Wildenstein prominently on that list.

Jocelyn, in her quest for eternal youth and ravishing beauty has become something of an odd-job. One glance at her and you can barely call her human.

Her face has been a canvas for whichever cosmetic surgeon she consults, with almost every cosmetic surgery procedure applied on it. Eyelid surgery, a face lift, cheek implants, a nose surgery that’s given her a tiny nose, lip augmentation, chin enhancement surgery using chin implants and assorted fillers seem to vie for attention on her face.

What stands out however, are her chin, cheeks and the overall bloated appearance of her face. It makes you wonder what kind of a plastic surgeon would be so incompetent as to not know when he needs to stop.

For one, Wildenstein’s surgeon makes a big mistake in the chin implant that’s inserted into her chin. It is common knowledge among cosmetic face surgeons to stick to a smaller chin implant where feminine chin surgery is concerned.

Chin enhancement surgery is not a procedure that can be passed off as trivial as it involves altering one of the three most defining factors in the human face. A plastic surgeon who understands his patient’s facial features intimately is the one you should select for your surgery.

Get help from the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dimpled Chins, Devil Within

That’s one rhyme that resonates in mind whenever I come across a person with a dimple in their chin. While women look adorable and sexy (wonderful paradox!) with dimpled or cleft chins, men look positively rakish with a pit in theirs.

But not everyone is lucky to be blessed with such an endearing facial feature.

You can always get one with a cosmetic chin surgery though- provided you have the right proportions of features that will easily accommodate a dimple. Plastic surgeons perform this chin enhancement surgery intra-orally, which means no scar.

A cosmetic chin dimple surgery procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and usually takes less than an hour to perform.

Do let your cosmetic surgeon know about any anesthesia history in your family though as an anesthesiologist needs to administer local anesthesia for this chin enhancement surgery. The cleft chin creation surgery requires permanent sutures to hold the newly created dimple in place so you can expect some swelling in the chin post-surgery.

But make sure to decide which look suits you best. A look at some pictures of Ashley Simpson, Clive Owen, Gwen Stefani, Matt Damon (very slight one there), Fergie, Jay Leno, etc. will give you an idea about what might suit you.

If you are still confused just visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California where we have chin surgery experts on hand to help you out.

What The Doctor Sees In Your Face Before A Chin Surgery

Along with the nose and the forehead, the chin plays an important part in defining the final look of the face in a face surgery procedure like chin enhancement surgery. These facial features are more interdependent than you know.

As you must be aware of, the plastic surgeon consulted for a chin enhancement surgery always insists on a careful analysis of the patient’s face. Unlike minor surgeries like brow lifts, a chin surgery entails more than a cursory first study.

A chin surgeon generally divides the chin of the patient into three parts, frontal-wise as well as profile-wise.

The chin falls into the lower third portion of the face along with the mouth and based on the degree of recession or protrusion, it is measured in accordance with the features in the other two portions.

If you are having a chin enhancement as part of a face lift surgery procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will be able to correct any deficiencies in the other two portions of the face as well. Doing so allows improved facial harmonics and establishes an even proportion of facial features.

A chin enhancement surgery defines one of the three vital facial features of a person and for gratifying results it is best to have a plastic surgeon that’s confident of the dynamics of the human face. Insist on a board certified doctor and facilities that have received an acclaimed accreditation.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is open to further help and aid with chin enhancement procedures.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chin Surgery Expectations – Setting Them

According to Richard Goode, professor of otolaryngology at Stanford, the best way to deal with unhappy patients after a face surgery is to have never operated on them in the first place.

It may sound like a somewhat harsh point of view, but Goode speaks for a lot of plastic surgeons who are faced with disgruntled patients after a plastic surgery procedure. The May issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America contains further elaboration of his views on this problem.

The rest of the body apart, the face is what concerns plastic surgery patients the most. When any cosmetic surgery alteration is undertaken in the facial area- be it chin surgery or eyelid surgery or a face lift surgery, patients tend to get rather finicky.

While this is an understandable response, it should be avoided by the plastic surgeon and the patient as much as possible. But how do you do this?

For one, the plastic surgeon and the patient need to discuss a chin surgery procedure very extensively and sort out the pros and cons of various suggestions before agreeing on the final chin or face style.

Patients, if you have interacted with a chin enhancement surgery consultant during your initial consultation process, ask for the plastic surgeon that is ultimately going to work on your face. Spend some time discussing your chin enhancement or chin implant procedure. At our advanced surgical institute, we allow this critical interaction.

For an appointment with our chin surgery experts, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mandibular Osteotomy – Potential Problems

Getting socked in the jaw is not really a good feeling and neither is the grownup result of a childhood jaw deformity termed as a pretty facial feature.

You don’t have to live with these problems though. Mandibular osteotomy, a type of chin surgery procedure, is a good solution for those who want to get rid of chin imperfections. Plastic surgeons usually classify this as a corrective chin surgery procedure.

You can of course ask them to polish it off via a chin enhancement surgery. But this is purely an option and is generally offered as a supplementary procedure. Before you go for a mandibular osteotomy, it would be smart to know the complications and difficulties involved before-hand.

After you have this corrective chin surgery, you will likely face swelling and mild stiffness. This is going to last for a few days and your plastic surgeon will provide you with the necessary pain killers.

The complications involved in a chin surgery are very rare and might involve bleeding from the wounds. A compress can take care of this though.

In some patients, the titanium used in the repairs is known to develop an infection several months after the surgery. In such a situation, you will need to get in touch with your plastic surgeon and get the material removed.

Sometimes a follow up chin surgery may be required if the displacement is still present in the patient’s jaw. The plastic surgeon needs to perform a surgery to reposition them if this is the case.

Want to talk in detail about this with a consultant for chin surgery? Get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What Do You Think About A Genioplasty?

Very few people know that chin augmentation is also known as genioplasty and is not the same as a mentoplasty which refers to chin reduction.

Plastic surgeons generally apply this cosmetic surgery technique to treat a condition known as microgenia which basically refers to a poorly developed chin. Now this condition could be affected by anything ranging from genital deformities in the mandibular regions to improper development of the chin tissues or even injuries sustained to the lower jaw due to an accident.

Since a genioplasty is classified as a chin surgery, the treatment, recovery period and precautions remain the same. However, some people may need extensive work in the facial region and as a result the chin enhancement surgery may stretch for a longer period of time and may warrant an overnight stay.

Cosmetic surgeons performing a cosmetic genioplasty typically enhance the chin using two methods. One involves the use of chin implants (silicone, inherent fat or FDA approved materials).

The other genioplasty method includes the displacement of the lower jaw and sawing off a section of the chin. Titanium is the metal of choice for this chin surgery method and it holds the jaw in place in the form of screws and metal plates.

Want to know which chin enhancement surgery method is the one you need? Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Stitching Up The Chin After A Chin Implant Surgery

Chin implants provide patients who have this plastic surgery procedure a choice of silicone and inherent body tissue as implant materials.

These materials are inserted into the chin of the patient via incisions made into the mouth or on the underside of the chin. Plastic surgeons stitch up the chin using sutures and hold the inserted implant in place by taping the face till the implants are settled.

The sutures made use of for a cosmetic chin enhancement surgery are usually dissolvable if the incision is made inside the mouth. But if the incisions are made outside the mouth, you can be assured that your cosmetic surgeon is going to use stronger sutures.

At least 7-10 days are required for the sutures to mend the chin sufficiently before they are taken off. During this recovery period it is not uncommon for the chin enhancement patient to experience uncomfortable facial swelling.

If you have done your homework right and picked up an experienced and board certified plastic surgeon, you will be prescribed an antibiotic to prevent any infection post-surgery. If you do contract an infection however, the recovery process could be hampered seriously and you may be required to remove the chin implant completely.

Get in touch with the chin surgery specialists at the advanced surgical institute, the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. We are affiliated with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Chin Surgery For The Chinless – Alan’s Story

Alan Doherty is an unusual teenager. He was borne without a lower jaw. In a normal world such a person would be subjected to a lot of ridicule and second looks and Alan was no exception.

The rare chin condition Alan had is known as otocephaly- a type of cephalic disorder. Cephalic disorders are actually congenital conditions that are the result of damage to or abnormal development of a child’s nervous system.

Throughout his life Alan had to breathe through a tube inserted into his throat and had to communicate via a keyboard. Today, 19-year-old Alan has received treatment for his condition through a chin transplant surgery and is going to receive additional treatment to give him a structured jaw.

This supplement chin surgery is going to be a first of sorts as doctors will be using bones from Alan’s body to construct the new jaw. The youngster will have to undergo a series of surgeries achieve his dream which he hopes will have people staring at him for the right reasons.

I’m amazed at the courage displayed by this teenager and fervently wish that the surgeons working on Alan fulfill his dream.

For reconstructive chin surgery, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Get A Buccal Fat Removal Procedure With Your Chin Implant

Chubby cheeks and dimpled chins are facial characteristics that look better on tiny tots then grown up men and women. Of course there are some however, who can carry of this look (or either one) rather well- with generous helpings of confidence thrown in.

If you aren’t one of these blessed people, then you can think of a cheek fat removal and chin implant procedure. As you might have noticed, this combination cosmetic surgery procedure removes mass from one part of your place and adds it to another.

Getting rid of cheek or buccal fat through a cheek reduction procedure gives the cheeks angular lines that conform to the bone structure. The patient’s chin can be fitted with silicone implants inserted during a chin surgery to add definition to a face that has reduced volume in other areas.

The buccal fat removal procedure can be used as a supplementary procedure to face lift surgery as well as face liposuction in addition to the chin surgery. The outcome greatly depends on your suitability for this cosmetic surgery procedure.

You can rely on the cosmetic chin surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for valuable advice on buccal fat removal and chin implant surgery procedures. We offer detailed analysis and can address your all plastic surgery queries.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mandibular Osteotomy – To Treat Faulty Jaws

Has it ever occurred to you that most of the expressions related to the chin are about strength? “Take it on the chin”, “Chin up”, etc.

So what happens if the strong chin is damaged in any way or is deformed due to some bad gene in the family? Well, you still have to chin up.

And I should add- get a mandibular osteotomy performed by your plastic surgeon. You could get additional advice from an orthodontist, but he wouldn’t be of much help to you if the extent of your jaw deformity is severe.

The mandibular osteotomy is a corrective chin surgery procedure and it is a great cosmetic solution for jaws that have been displaced, deformed or damaged for some reason or another.

What your cosmetic surgeon does is this:

The degree of the upper jaw-lower jaw displacement is first measured and the surgeon then proceeds to perform the surgery under local anesthesia. One really nice benefit you can get out of this plastic surgery (apart from the repair) is the absence of any visible scars.

Cosmetic surgeons make incisions inside the mouth and get to the jawbone from the back of the teeth. They then methodically break the lower jaw and shift it into the new position. Tiny titanium (preferred metal) screws and plates are used to hold the mandible in its new place.

All in all, a pretty good solution I think and not too messy either. What do you think? You can ask the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for any further info on chin enhancement surgery procedures.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Chin Implant In Beverly Hills - How It Works:

There is a lot that can be accomplished for the facial appearance by reconstructing the facial structure and by correcting the contours of the facial features.

A chin surgery especially, can improve and enhance the chin through a chin implant surgery, a liposculpture of the neck and the cheek or a neck lift with soft tissue enhancement in the chin of the patient.

A chin enhancement surgery is usually undertaken on an outpatient basis and is administered by the plastic surgeon through intravenous sedation. The best part about a chin enhancement is the area used for the incision- which is usually inside the mouth and avoids any visible scars.

Inserting a chin implant as per tried and tested plastic surgery procedures could take 30 minutes to an hour. The size and shape of the implants have to be selected carefully so that the appearance of the chin is appropriately enhanced. There is a small incision created and the implant is inserted inside the mouth or in the skin under the chin area.

Mentoplasty or chin enhancement surgery is carried out at the advanced surgical institute for cosmetic enhancement, the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. Drop by for excellent consultation and cosmetic surgery procedures.

Threadlift Chin Surgery – Viable Or Not?:

A recent addition to cosmetic surgery techniques associated with the face, thread lifts are commended by plastic surgeons as quicker methods to get the job done.

A thread lift is performed on patients who are younger and respond better to healing as compared to older patients. A thread lift chin surgery yields better results for those plastic surgery patients who require minimal chin correction and surgery.

For a traditional thread lift chin enhancement surgery, the materials used are generally surgery thread and barbed thread. Cosmetic surgeons use these materials to secure a better grip on sagging skin and muscle tissue and lift it into the new position.

Once the thread is in place and has a considerable grasp on the chin tissue, the needle is taken out and the thread is cut of and hidden under the skin. During the healing process undergone by the patient after his chin enhancement surgery, new collagen is generated around the inserted threads.

Collagen generation is a natural process which the body undertakes and this allows the sutures to be absorbed into the chin tissues. Only after the chin has completely recovered are the effect that these minuscule sutures have on the appearance of the patient’s chin truly noticeable.

This chin enhancement surgery is certainly different than regular mentoplasty or genioplasty procedures. If you think this chin surgery would suit you better then a traditional surgery, you can consult the plastic surgeons at our advanced surgical institute- the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Did You Know? You Can Get Platysmaplasty With A Chin Surgery:

Okay, no reason to get panicked. I’m not talking about any rare disease that you might catch on the surgery table. It’s just plastic surgery lingo for a neck lift surgery which plastic surgeons can perform in combination with a chin surgery.

Platysmaplasty actually refers to the muscle tightening and removal function that is possible with this procedure. A cervicoplasty on the other hand, simply trims off the excess skin in the neck area. Depending on the complexity of the operation, a neck lift alone can be wrapped up in four hours maximum.

If performed during a mentoplasty or chin enhancement, the procedure will take longer; same goes for the recovery period. The incisions for a platysmaplasty surgery in particular, are made under the chin allowing the plastic surgeon to take care of both the chin region as well as the neck muscles (platysma).

If there is less work required in the neck region, the cosmetic surgeon can administer a combination chin enhancement surgery and neck lift surgery with the aid of an endoscope. The good thing about these devices is the incision wound which tends to be smaller.

The resulting scar formation and recovery is aided better if the patient has cut off smoking 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the cosmetic surgery procedure. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California checks up on the patient’s diet as well during the recovery period undergone for a chin surgery cum neck lift surgery.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cosmetic Chin Surgery For A Black Eyed Pea:

Fergie vehemently keeps denying that she has had plastic surgery of any kind. But you and I and a lot of plastic surgeons know better.

One look at her face and it is obvious that she has had a nice package of work done on her to give her that sizzling hot look. A rhinoplasty, brow lift surgery, face lifts and Botox have all been hinted at and have been repeatedly refuted by the sexiest BEP.

The rumors of Fergie having cosmetic surgery hit her so bad that US Weekly received a good amount of flak from the singer for publishing pics of her in the 80’s besides her latest photos.

Speaking about her latest pics, the ones clicked at the Costume Institute Gala showed a very heavily made up Fergie. A closer look had me wondering about that chin of hers. It looks decidedly plumper than usual.

Maybe she went ahead and had that cosmetic surgery she mentioned some months back. I wouldn’t rule out her having had a cosmetic chin surgery in the interim. Another photograph I came across of her performance at Sunfest 2008 too raised my suspicions. Her neck didn’t look all that cool in this one.

Will she come clean on all the plastic surgery she has had so far? I don’t really know.

But I do hope that you decide to have a chin surgery for your own self if you are thinking of having one. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California can help you out with mentoplasty consultation services and procedures.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Buffed And Polished Chins On Display At The Met:

The night was star-studded no doubt, and it’s not the celestial I’m hinting at, though any of the ladies who turned out for the Costume Institute Gala at the Met could be described as other-worldly.

The gala was organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Art and was sponsored by the legends of Armani and Vogue, Giorgio Armani and Anna Wintour respectively.

With such style icons at the helm of the affair, there is simply no doubt that the turn-out would be as stylish. Julia Roberts, Kristin Davis, Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Lopez, Katie Holmes, the newly engaged Scarlett Johansson, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson – the divas were out in full force.

I couldn’t help noticing the careful use of makeup some of the lasses had on and while some of them did a good job on it, there were some that really bombed at it. Among the bombshells that had on some fab makeup, Kate Moss, Diane Kruger, Dita Von Teese and Julia Roberts sparkled and glowed.

But Mary J. Blige, Claire Danes and Fergie sadly were a tad overdone in my opinion. The latter two especially sported really badly worked on chins. Chin enhancement was totally ignored by their makeup artists.

The chin, if badly done up, can transform a look from stylish to trashy in a snap. A lot of people go in for a chin reduction or a chin surgery because their bone structure interferes with the proportions of the face.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California can address your chin enhancement doubts if you are thinking of having a chin reduction in Los Angeles or elsewhere in California.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Look And Feel Your Best Courtesy Chin Enhancement:

Chin is one of the most striking features of the body. Chin plays a key role in balancing the facial features.

Chin enhancement is a relatively simple plastic surgery procedure that can make a major difference to the facial contour.

The plastic surgery procedure is designed to reshape the chin either by insertion of an implant or reduction surgery on the bone.

Chin enhancement procedure can be done alone or in conjunction with other facial cosmetic surgeries. The chin area is taped for one week and mild bruising and swelling can be expected for one week. The plastic surgery patients can resume work after one week.

It is of utmost importance to perform the chin enhancement procedure from a board certified plastic surgeon.

The board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California perform the chin enhancement procedure utilizing their aesthetic sense and extensive experience.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is also well equipped with the latest technology, advance medicines and state-of –art cosmetic surgery facilities to ensure the highest standards of safety for the cosmetic surgery procedures.

For more information on chin enhancement, visit our advanced surgical institute.

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