Friday, February 29, 2008

Chin Augmentation Can Help Improve A Weak Chin: The Plastic Surgery Institute Of California

A weak chin creates an unbalanced profile and detracts the facial harmony. It generates the appearance of a larger nose, fleshy neck and jowls.

With the help of the plastic surgery procedure known as the chin augmentation the overall facial harmony can be by enhanced. The goal of the chin augmentation procedure is to balance the facial profile by enhancing the weak chin.

Chin augmentation is accomplished by placing a synthetic chin implant over the bony chin to improve the balance between the chin and the rest of the face.

Chin augmentation procedure often produces a dramatic and gratifying outcome.

It is very important to perform the chin augmentation procedure from a board certified plastic surgeon.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California has board certified plastic surgeons dedicated to providing the best outcome to the chin augmentation procedures with the highest standards of safety.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is also well equipped with the latest technologies and the best medications to keep all the complications at its minimum level.

For more information on the chin augmentation procedure, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

Chin Implants: At The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

The chin implant surgery also known as chin augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure designed to create better facial harmony in individuals with under developed or retrusive chins.

It is also performed to correct traumatic or congenital asymmetries. The chin implant surgery is popular amongst both men and women.

The ideal candidates for the chin implants surgery are individuals with good health condition having realistic expectations.

The chin augmentation procedure uses chin implants of various shapes and sizes made out of solid or semi solid materials.

The chin implants commonly used are made of silicone, a flexible substance widely used in medicine. Silicon implants come in a range of anatomical, extended, cleft, concave or curvilinear models and a wide range of sizes.

The other materials that are widely used to make chin implants are polyethylene, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene, an acellular dermal matrix product and medpor.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is well equipped with the advanced plastic surgical facilities and board certified plastic surgeons dedicated to giving exquisite results to the chin implant procedures.

For more information on chin implants, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

Mentoplasty For Men: At The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Plastic surgery is not fascinated by merely women anymore. To acquire a better looking face an increasing number of men have started opting for plastic surgery procedures.

Plastic surgery procedures such as mentoplasty have gained huge popularity amongst men.

Mentoplasty surgery is designed to change the shape of the chin in order to better match with the rest of the facial profile.

Most men seek the mentoplasty procedures to correct a small or receded chin or to relieve distortions of the face due to facial trauma.

Mentoplasty surgery for men presents unique challenges to the plastic surgeon. Men have hair in the facial area, their skin tends to be thicker with a richer blood supply and their aesthetic needs and preferences are distinct from women.

It is important that men choose a board certified plastic surgeon with an experience working with men's specific needs to have the best outcome for the mentoplasty surgery.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California has board certified plastic surgeons dedicated to providing the best outcome to the mentoplasty procedure.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is also well equipped with the best medications and advanced technological facilities to minimize the complications and ensure highest standards of safety.

For an expert advice and consultations from our plastic surgeons, visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Post Mentoplasty Surgery: At The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Mentoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure intended to increase or reduce the projection of the chin in order to create a better balance between the chin and the other facial features.

The mentoplasty surgery is generally performed under intravenous anesthesia or under general anesthesia. The mentoplasty procedure takes approximately thirty minutes.

The extent of the post-operative swelling and bruising varies for each individual. Some mentoplasty patients may experience a little difficulty in talking and smiling for several days following the plastic surgery procedure.

The mentoplasty patients with intra-oral sutures are sometimes placed on a liquid diet for several days.

It is very important to follow the post operative care instructions given by the plastic surgeon to minimize risks and help speed-up recovery.

It is also essential to perform the mentoplasty surgery from a board certified plastic surgeon to ensure the best outcome for the plastic surgery procedures.

The plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California are board certified and expert in the field of mentoplasty.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is also well equipped with the latest technologies and the best medications to ensure highest standards of safety.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more information on the mentoplasty procedures.

Chin Surgery For Medical Reason: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Chin surgery is a plastic surgery procedure intended to increase or reduce the projection of the chin to create a more balanced relationship between the facial features and the chin.

Chin surgery can also be performed to correct malformations of the chin resulting from developmental abnormalities of the bones in the jaw, to correct the condition known as congenital agenesis of the jaw, or as a part of craniofacial reconstruction due to cancer or facial trauma and orthognathic surgery.

Chin surgery procedure involves chin augmentation, chin reduction, or general reshaping of the chin. The two most common methods are: chin augmentation, which reshapes the chin by inserting a silicone chin implant under the skin and chin reductions, which involve bone reduction with power bone instruments.

It is essential to inform the plastic surgeon about the medical history of the potential plastic surgery patient before undergoing the chin surgery procedure in order to minimize the complications and have the best results for the chin surgery procedures.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, the team of board certified plastic surgeons carefully examine the chin surgery patients before performing the plastic surgery procedures to ensure the best outcome and reduce any complications associated with chin surgery.

Benefits Of Chin Surgery: At The Plastic Surgery Institute Of California

Chin surgery also known as mentoplasty is a plastic surgical procedure designed to make the chin more prominent in order to harmoniously balance with the other facial features.

The benefits of mentoplasty surgery are fantastic – both physically and emotionally. It can give the chin a more masculine or feminine look, according to the standards of proportion and harmony prescribed for each gender.

The facial profile can become much more harmonious and proportionate. It is very likely that no one will realize the insertion of a chin implant under the skin and the chin surgery patient can enjoy a more prominent chin.

The results of a chin surgery are permanent, but also reversible if the mentoplasty patient does not like it. However, very few people feel unhappy with the chin surgery results.

The mentoplasty patients not only look and feel younger, thinner, and prettier, but there is also an increase in their self-esteem.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California has board certified plastic surgeons who are dedicated to providing the best results for the mentoplasty procedures .

Our team of plastic surgeons are committed to ensure the highest standards of safety to the mentoplasty procedures.

For an expert advice and consultations from our plastic surgeons, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

Maintaining The Results For Mentoplasty: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Mentoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that strengthens the appearance of a receding chin by increasing its projection. The goal of mentoplasty is to improve the face profile by creating a better balance between the chin and the other facial features.

The best candidates for the mentoplasty procedures are healthy men and women with realistic expectations looking to improve the appearance of the chin or jaw area.

The results of the mentoplasty procedures are an improved chin profile that lends symmetry to the face.The mentoplasty patients should follow the advice given by the plastic surgeon about pre and post operative care in order to minimize the risks and to have the best outcomes.

The mentoplasty patients should avoid any activities which can bump or jar the face for about six weeks after the mentoplasty surgery to have a rapid recovery.

The changes brought about by the mentoplasty procedure can last for a lifetime, if the mentoplasty patients maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow proper dental care.

The board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California are dedicated to providing mentoplasty patients with an unsurpassed plastic surgical experience and outstanding results.

Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, by clicking here.

Meet Plastic Surgeon Dr. Luu Q. Doan: Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Dr. Luu Q. Doan graduated with a bachelors of Science degree from the Yale University New Haven, CT. He then completed doctorate of medicine from the Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Doan accomplished his general surgical residency as a chief resident, at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona as well as his plastic surgical residency as chief resident at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Lebanon, New Hampshire.

Dr. Doan has published many scientific articles in numerous prestigious medical and scientific journals. His professional affiliations include membership in the American board of plastic surgery and many other prestigious medical associations.

In addition to being a board certified plastic surgeon at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Dr. Luu Q. Doan is also a diplomat at the National Board of Medical Examiners.

Dr. Doan strongly believes in creating strong and trusting relationships with patients.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Dr. Luu Q. Doan strives to empower his patients to make their own decisions and support them at each step along the way.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Luu Q. Doan you can log on to our website

Mentoplasty At: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Newport Beach

The city of Newport Beach is well-known for its incredible coves, breathtaking ocean views and beautiful people.

The people of Newport Beach love to flaunt their gorgeous face and beautiful bodies at the lovely beaches.To achieve a young an attractive face people of Newport Beach are taking the help of plastic surgery procedures like chin surgery or mentoplasty.

The chin is one of the most important features on a person's face as it determines the symmetry and balance of the facial structure.

Mentoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the entire facial appearance by sculpting the chin into a more desired and an attractive form.

The mentoplasty surgery is most commonly performed for a small or receded chin.The best candidates for mentoplasty procedures are individuals in good mental and physical health, without any active diseases like bone disorders and also having realistic expectations about the chin surgery.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Newport Beach is equipped with advanced technologies and the best medications for the mentoplasty procedures.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Newport Beach has a team of board certified plastic surgeons committed to give best results for the mentoplasty procedures.

For an expert advice and consultation on mentoplasty, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Newport Beach by clicking here.

The Best Candidates for Chin Surgery: At The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

The chin surgery is a plastic surgery procedure designed to increase or reduce the projection of the chin to create a better balance between the chin and the other facial features.

Chin surgery procedure involves chin augmentation, chin reduction, or general reshaping of the chin. The two most common methods are: chin augmentation, which reshapes the chin by inserting a silicone chin implant under the skin, and chin reductions, which involve bone reduction with power bone instruments.

The best candidates for chin surgery procedures are physically healthy men and women with realistic expectations. The chin surgery is best for the people who are unhappy with t their chin, whether it be because it is too small or because it is too large or prominent.

Chin surgery is not appropriate for people who are on acutance, or who have been on acutance within the previous six months. It is also not a good procedure for people who have bone disorders.

It is essential to spend time in research and evaluation before undergoing the plastic surgery procedure. It is very important to perform the chin surgery procedure from a board certified plastic surgeon to ensure highest standards of safety and for the best results to the plastic surgery procedure.

For an expert advice and consultations on chin surgery from our plastic surgeons, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

Myths About Mentoplasty: At The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Mentoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure designed to reshape the chin with an chin implant or by the reduction of the bone to give the face a symmetrical profile.

A growing number of men and women in the United States are seeking mentoplasty to improve their facial harmony. It is very important to demarcate between the facts and the myths before undergoing the mentoplasty surgery.

Myth#1: Only the rich and famous have mentoplasty surgery.
Today's mentoplasty surgery patient encompasses both sexes and touches all age groups, races and economic levels.

Myth#2: There are significant risks and complications involved with mentoplasty.
The risks and complications are minimal, when the plastic surgery is performed by a board certified plastic surgeon.

Myth#3: Mentoplasty surgery is associated with a huge amount of pain.
There is little or no amount of pain associated with the mentoplasty surgery.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is a home to board certified plastic surgeons dedicated to the highest standards of safety for the plastic surgery procedures.

The plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California also provide information about mentoplasty procedures.

For an expert advice and consultations visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Meet Distinguished Plastic Surgeon At The Plastic Surgery Institute Of California: Dr. Mazin Al Hakeem

Dr. Mazin Al Hakeem is a board certified plastic surgeon at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California whose specialty is cosmetic surgery. He received his post graduation from the Mayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN.

Dr. Mazin Al Hakeem completed his surgical residency from the General Surgery Mayo Graduate School of Medicine Rochester, MN, General Surgery Yale - New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CTand the Plastic Surgery Nassau County Medical Center, East Meadow, NY .

Following his surgical residency at New York, Dr. Hakim completed his training in aesthetic surgery from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.

Dr. Hakim is the member of many medical associations including the American board of plastic surgery and the American Medical Association. He also has several articles published in medical journals to his credit.

Dr. Mazin Al Hakeem has also received the President's Undergraduate Fellow Research Award University of California, Irvine, CA.

Dr. Hakim endeavors to provide each of his patients with both personalized attention and surgical excellence. Dr. Mazin Al Hakeem will guide you through the chin surgery procedure and put your apprehensions to rest.

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How To Minimize The Risks Associated With Mentoplasty: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Mentoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure designed to change the shape or prominence of the chin to better match with the rest of the patient’s facial profile.

The mentoplasty surgery is carried out in an outpatient basis under intravenous sedation.

As with all the surgeries, there is a small possibility of complications following the chin surgery such as infection, bleeding and an allergic reaction to the anesthetic.

There may be certain risks associated with the chin implant such as deformity of the chin due to an infection, injury to the major nerve in the chin, dislocation of the implant.

In order to minimize the risks, the prospective mentoplasty patients should follow their plastic surgeons advice and also inform the surgeon about any medical conditions, allergies and dental or gum problems that they may have.

Mentoplasty is not a very risky procedure. All the complications and risks are usually infrequent and minor, when the mentoplasty surgery is performed by a board certified plastic surgeon.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is home to board certified and expert plastic surgeons. The goal of the board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California is to make every effort to minimize the risks and complications associated with the mentoplasty surgery by using the highest standards of safety

.For more information on the mentoplasty procedures, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

Meet Dr. Alan T. Tran A Plastic Surgeon : At The Plastic Surgery Institute Of California

Dr. Alan T. Tran is a highly skilled and a dedicated plastic surgeon at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. Dr. Tran is known for his remarkable ability to deliver highly precise plastic surgical results.

Dr. Alan T. Tran completed his undergraduate education at Central State University, Edmond Oklahoma and the President’s and Dean’s List, Alpha Chi Honor Society.

He received a master's degree in medicine from the University of Oklahoma.Dr. Alan T. Tran accomplished an internship in general surgery at the Phoenix Integrated Surgical Residency.

He then attended a research fellowship atDr. Tran completed his post graduate residency in general surgery and in plastic and reconstructive surgery from the University of Nevada and University of Texas Medical Branch respectively.

Dr. Alan T. Tran also earned a chief residency in general surgery and in plastic and reconstructive surgery from the University of Nevada and University of Texas Medical Branch respectively.

Dr. Tran is fellowship trained in microsurgery, post-ablative cancer reconstructive/ microsurgery and cosmetic surgery from the Baylor College of Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Plastic Surgery Associates respectively.

Dr. Alan T. Tran is a member of numerous prestigious medical societies and an associate fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Dr. Tran provides meticulous attention to detail when evaluating mentoplasty patients and performing the plastic surgery operations.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Alan T. Tran, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

Get Ready To Flaunt Your Looks With Mentoplasty: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Beverly Hills

The city of Beverly Hills is located west of Los Angeles and southwest of Hollywood. The citizens of Beverly Hills enjoy a glamorous lifestyle. Plastic surgery is becoming an active part of Beverly Hill’s society.

Down through the ages, as portrayed in the works of many famous artists, a strong chin has been considered a sign of physical beauty. With the help of Chin surgery or mentoplasty the facial contour can be enhanced by sculpting the chin into a more desired and an attractive form.

The mentoplasty surgery is carried out under a local anesthesia. The plastic surgeon makes an internal pocket right in front of the chin bone and inserts the implant. The mentoplasty surgery lasts for around thirty minutes to one hour.

There are many popular plastic surgery clinics in Beverly Hills like the Plastic Surgery Institute of California who have a team of qualified and experienced plastic surgeons to get best results for your mentoplasty surgery.

Visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Beverly Hills, CA to have more information on chin surgery

Take A Look At The Professional Life Of :Dr. Margguerite J. Bernett

Dr. Margguerite J. Bernett is a distinguished plastic surgeon at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California who is fellowship trained in breast reconstruction & microsurgery.

Dr. Margguerite J. Bernett received a doctorate of medicine from the prestigious University of California and subsequently completed an internship in general surgery.

Dr. Margguerite J. Bernett also researched on several plastic surgery topics at the University of California.

Dr. Margguerite J. Bernett accomplished residency training in general surgery from the University of California and in plastic and reconstructive surgery from the Tulane University Medical Center New Orleans, Louisiana.

Dr. Bernett believes in addressing the concerns of her plastic surgery patients by providing them with accurate and vital information about the plastic surgery procedures.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Dr. Margguerite J. Bernett is dedicated to providing her mentoplasty patients with superior care and outstanding results.

For an expert advice and consultations on mentoplasty surgery from Dr. Margguerite J. Bernett, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Get Ready For Your Chin Surgery With Dr.Brian West: The Plastic Surgery Institute Of California

Dr. Brian West’s commitment to addressing the specific needs and personal objectives of his patients has helped him to become one of the most respected plastic surgeons in California.

His outstanding reputation is based both on his ability to achieve natural results and the high degree of satisfaction among his patients. Dr. Brian West attended the Stanford Medical School where he received his bachelor’s of science in medical microbiology.

Later on he received his doctor of medicine degree from the University of California at Irvine.

His surgical internship took place at many of the finest institutions in America like the UCLA Medical centre, University of Kansas Medical Centre, the Burnett Burn Centre of Kansas City, the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and the Shriner’s Hospital for Crippled Children-Los Angeles.

Dr. Brian. West has been formally trained in plastic and reconstructive surgery, pediatric plastic surgery and pediatric burn reconstruction. Dr. West has many articles published in the various medical journals to his credit.

Dr.West is an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American College of Surgeons and American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery.

Dr. Brian. West is a board certified plastic surgeon at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California who is dedicated to achieving the best results with the fastest recovery time for the chin surgery procedures.

For an expert advice and consultations on chin surgery from Dr.Brian.West you can contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of California by clicking here.

Have Permanent Results For Mentoplasty At: Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Chin surgery also known as mentoplasty is a plastic surgical procedure that enhances the facial contour by creating a proportional balance between the chin and the other facial features such as the neck, lips, nose and forehead either by insertion of an implant or by a reduction surgery on the bone.

The mentoplasty procedure is recommended for healthy men and women above eighteen years of age and with realistic expectations about the plastic surgery.

The best candidates for the cosmetic surgery are those individuals who have a receding chin but a normal dental bite.

Mentoplasty procedure can significantly improve the appearance of the facial profile. The duration of the result obtained from mentoplasty surgery is usually permanent in nature.

It is of paramount importance to maintain a proper dental hygiene and a good diet to retain the result acquired from the plastic surgery .

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California board certified plastic surgeons perform the mentoplasty procedure to ensure highest standards of safety and to achieve best results for the plastic surgery procedure.

For more information on mentoplasty procedures visit us at the Plastic surgery Institute of California.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mentoplasty In The City Of Angels: The Plastic Surgery Institute of California,Los Angeles

Cosmetic and plastic surgeries are a common trend these days through out Los Angeles. When it comes to plastic surgery in Los Angeles, a common procedure is a chin lift.

The chin is considered to be one of the main balancing points of the face. With the help of mentoplasty surgery you can fix up crooked or a protruding chin and improve your facial contour.

Chin surgery or mentoplasty can drastically change your appearance, so it is of paramount importance that you spend some time for consultation with the plastic surgeon before the surgery so that you are well versed with the cosmetic surgery procedure and also with the post surgery care.

This megalopolis contains some of the most gifted plastic surgeons in the country who with their innovative skills have performed some of the most magnificent transformations recorded.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Los Angeles, is known to have experienced and board certified plastic surgeons who can enhance your facial contour with their huge amount of knowledge and immense talent.

For an expert advice and consultations, you can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Los Angeles, CA, by clicking here.

Pre Chin Surgery Care: At The Plastic Surgery Institute of California

Chin surgery, also called as mentoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure meant to provide a better balance to the face. Aesthetic chin surgery uses implants of various shapes and sizes made out of solid and semi solid materials.

Chin implants are often used to bring balance to the face .The chin implants can give dramatic results in the overall face enhancementThe suitable candidates for chin surgery are men and women with good health and with realistic expectations.

Prior to the chin surgery the plastic surgeon carefully examines the chin and the jaw .The surgeon also weighs the other factors such as the age, skin type which could influence the outcome of the surgery.

After the initial consultation is over the plastic surgeon explains the surgery procedure and the post surgery care that has to be taken. The cosmetic surgeon also advises to quit smoking at least two weeks before the surgery for a rapid recovery.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California has highly experienced consultants at the following locations – Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Pasadena, San Diego and Huntington Beach.

Our board certified and experienced plastic surgeons will assist you with all information about the mentoplasty surgery as well as the pre surgery care.

For more information you can log on to

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chin surgery At The Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Pasadena

The city of Pasadena is full of life with beautiful gardens radiant with roses, to extraordinary architecture and gorgeous citizens. The people of Pasadena enjoy a trendy lifestyle and like to look young, attractive and healthy. Today, mentoplasty has become an active part of Pasadena’s society.

The chin is one of the most important facial features in the aesthetic study of the face. The ideal chin should be positioned in such a way that it harmonically balances with other facial features such as the nose, the eyes, the mouth, etc.Mentoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure designed to enhance the entire facial appearance by sculpting the chin into a more desired and an attractive form.

The best candidates for mentoplasty surgery are individuals in good mental and physical health without any active diseases and having realistic expectations about the plastic surgery.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Pasadena we have the most advanced plastic surgical and medical facilities. The team of board certified plastic surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Pasadena ensures highest standards of safety for the mentoplasty procedures.

For an expert advice and consultations from our plastic surgeons, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Pasadena by clicking here.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rendezvous With Popular Plastic Surgeon, Dr.Eric C.Hu

Dr. Eric C. Hu is a board certified plastic surgeon, at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.Dr Hu is also a member of medical societies like the American Medical Association and American College of Surgeons. Although Dr Eric Hu is extensively trained in plastic surgery, aesthetic surgery is his area of specialization.

After graduating from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in 1997, Dr Eric C.Hu received post graduation in biomedical engineering from the prestigious Harvard College. Dr. Hu was conferred with valedictorian at the Belmont High School, Los Angeles, California.

Dr. Eric C. Hu has various publications on science and medicine to his credit.

Dr.Eric C.Hu has worked as a Software and biosystem engineer with the prestigious Harvard University, Cambridge and as a research assistant with the department of cardiothoracic surgery of the Cedars-Sinai Medical centre, Los Angeles, California.

As the patient of Dr.Hu you can be assured that the outstanding staff at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California will provide you with excellent care for your mentoplasty surgery.

Visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California today to set up a consultation with Dr. Eric C.Hu by clicking here.

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