Friday, December 28, 2007

Mentoplasty– Chin Enhancement:

The chin and the nose are the most essential factors in a face profile. Together they determine symmetry and balance. To correct the chin contour there are a couple of alternatives which can also be carried out. A plastic surgery procedure which reconstructs the existing bone structure with or without an artificial implant, a liposculpture of the neck and the cheek and a neck lift with soft tissue enhancement of the chin. This surgery can take place on an outpatient basis under intravenous sedation. It’s a surgery which can be performed in the morning and by evening you are fit enough to go home. While carrying out a chin implant the surgeon gets access through the mouth so as to avoid visible scarring.

Cosmetic surgery is a delicate procedure, though thousands are performed worldwide. Patients should be extremely careful and fully informed on the institute or hospital they are going to be treated at. The qualifications and experience of those performing the surgery are extremely crucial. You want to be assured you are in safe hands and you get your desired look.

Inserting of a chin implant as per technicalities could take 30 minutes to an hour. The size and shape is selected to enhance the appearance. There is a small incision created and the implant is inserted inside the mouth or in the skin under the chin area.

There are also consultants who often lack experience and formal training. It is imperative to check out the credentials of the clinic and of the surgeon who is going to treat you. There are ways to check surgeon’s registration as well as to fully satisfy all your queries. It shouldn’t be that the surgeon just performs these surgeries as a side profile. It is necessary to understand the risks and the expected outcome.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California has highly experienced consultants at the following locations – Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Pasadena, San Diego and Huntington Beach. They will help you and guide you through the decision making process and will put your apprehensions to rest.

Chin Up:

Chin Surgery or mentoplasty refers to changing the shape of the chin either by adding an implant or by moving part of the bone forward; or by removing part of the bone to improve a profile.

A weak chin creates an impression of a larger nose or the appearance of a fleshy neck. Chin augmentation permits patients to generate a profile they find more gratifying, by creating a more defined chin. Chin augmentation surgery crafts an unbiased relationship between the facial structures.

Chin augmentation uses synthetics or biologicals to enhance the bone structure. There are two main types of chin augmentation procedures: surgery and injectables.

Chin augmentation surgery is executed in order to insert an implant into the tissue on top of the jaw. After surgery for chin augmentation, patients are expected to wear a support brace to allow the tissues and implant to heal properly. There is staining and swelling for the first 5 to 7 days after chin augmentation surgery, and the swelling may stay for a few months. Injectables that are used to perform a chin augmentation mean significantly lower cost than the expense of surgery; however the cost of material of injectables is more than that in surgery.

At Plastic Surgery Institute of California, despite of the type of chin augmentation procedure, the look created is a more appealing appearance.

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Getting A Genioplasty:

Genioplasty is essentially a reconstructive procedure that patients requiring a chin repositioning opt for. This type of plastic surgery corrects a receding chin, any misalignment in the chin and does away with chin excess.

Genioplasty is a common procedure among patients who have a small or receding chin or a chin that is not in proportion with other facial features. Very often such a chin makes the nose look overly prominent damaging the over-all facial appearance.

Genioplasty is also used for
cosmetic enhancements when combined with procedures like rhinoplasty, neck lifts, neck liposuction, and laser skin resurfacing. However, doctors recommend such a combination exclusively for older patients.

At the
Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Beverly Hills board certified plastic surgeons perform genioplasty along with mentoplasty [regular chin surgery] procedures.

Our surgeons take into account factors like age, medical history, skin texture, bone structure and the general health of a patient before giving the go-ahead to a patient for a surgery. We utilize x-rays to determine the best type of
chin repositioning methods that are appropriate for a patient.

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All About Chin Implants:

Chin implants are a good idea if you have a barely-there chin. They add definition to your face and character to the jaw line and when performed aesthetically, the results are marvelous.

chin implant can also be performed along with a neck lift, cheek augmentation or a facelift. The right combination simply depends on the kind of result you are looking for. It is essential to consult an experienced plastic surgeon to find out if you are suitable for a chin implant surgery.

The entire procedure ideally takes an hour, but if performed as a supplement to other
cosmetic procedures, the surgery period can increase. The plastic surgeon makes an incision inside the mouth, or along the lower lip or in the skin beneath the chin depending on the patient’s facial anatomy.

Chin implants come in various sizes and are made of different materials. Surgeons accordingly insert the implant that is best suited for a patient. There are risks attached to certain implant materials and discussing the type of implant that will be used is crucial.

Health insurance can cover the cost involved in a
chin surgery for reconstructive purposes; but a chin implant procedure that is performed for cosmetic reasons is not covered by any insurance.

Visit the
Plastic Surgery Institute of California in Beverly Hills to know more about the plastic surgery options we have on offer for patients who want to enhance or reconstruct their chins. Our aesthetically inclined plastic surgeons are truly world class when it comes to delivering quality results.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Getting Rid Of The Double Chin:

Once puberty hits a person, various parts of the body are engaged in a never-ending battle with age. To make things worse, women tend to put on weight quicker than men. Wrinkles, when combined with fat are sure-fire youth busters.

While wrinkles attack the face more than any other part of the body, fat settles in wherever it can. The thighs, tummy, buttocks, calves, jowls, neck, hips and even the arms are common areas where fat gets deposited. When fat settles in the area between the chin and the neck it results in a
double chin.

But besides body fat, body anatomy and time are also factors that cause a
double chin. Slender-built people too are known to suffer from this condition. For them a double chin is usually the result of a variation in the jaw and throat shape. A less defined angle between the jaw and the throat results on a neck that sags with flab.

There are patients who attempt to correct a
double chin with exercises; but fat cannot be reduced with exercises. A more permanent solution is the double chin surgery which makes use of a liposuction technique for getting rid of fat excess fat.

tumescent liposuction surgery allows the plastic surgeon to make small incisions that are strategically placed in the double chin. Besides scraping off excess fat, this surgery also tightens the neck muscles resulting in a more definite jaw line.

For more information regarding this technique visit us at the
Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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